Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Favorites #7

Another week, another Friday, and admit it, a Friday on 11-11-11 and Veteran's Day just makes it even more special.  So let's see what's happening this week in the interwebs:

FOXFIRE BOOKS - I know I obsess about zombies a lot, but really; in a zombie apocalypse, wouldn't you want to know how to do all the things you need to do to get food and shelter and generally stay alive?  Or, say, if the economy goes in the tank, wouldn't you like to have skills to get along until some order returns?  This is where you need to start.  The Foxfire books were written as to document the lifestyle and skills of Appalachia, and almost everything in the books can be done today with a little study.  Plus, it's just interesting, reading the stories of the old-timers.  You never know when you'll need to know how to make moonshine, or dress a hog or something.

BLACK FRIDAY ADS - Whether or not I go insane and join the Black Friday mob really depends on two things: having money and getting past the turkey coma.  Until then, I plan to check out the ads and see if there's anything worth staying up for, or saving up for.  Anything look good to you?

THAT KID FROM JERRY McGUIRE - I care ZERO about celebrities, but these pictures of Jonathan Lipniki, now 21, just sucked me right in.  Check him out - you probably won't believe it.

LANA & JP BACK ON THE AIR - Lana Hughes and JP Pritchard return to Houston's airwaves on a new all-news station, KROI 92.1 FM!  This is wonderful news to all who listened to them for over 25 years in Houston and trusted them for all the news.  I cannot tell you how glad I am that they're returning!  I have missed them so!

I TOLD MY KIDS I ATE THEIR CANDY - Jimmy Kimmel is a sick, sick bastard, and the results are kinda funny.

CENTER FOR AMERICA - John Ratzenberger (Cliff Claven from Cheers) tries to help people get back to work.  Check it out.

ANOTHER HERMAN CAIN ACCUSER - But this time, it's one who you'll want to support.

BAD LIP READING - This time they take on Michelle Bachmann.  I swear, I don't know how they do this, but it's hilarious and I want more.

THE CAIN-GINGRICH DEBATE - CSPAN put it on their site, and you can see it (or rewatch it) here.  Not a debate, from what I'm hearing, but a far cry from what passes for a debate these days.

Speaking of debates, RICK PERRY's LETTERMAN TOP TEN APPEARANCE - where Perry gives the Top Ten Excuses for his brain freeze in the debate this week.  Hi-larious, and a good example of what our side has to learn to do to win in the mass culture.

And in Occupy news this week:

SHOOTINGS - Yeah, I remember how difficult it was to keep the body count down during tea parties, and dealing with all the drugs.  Sigh. 

BANK PROBLEMS - Evil, evil banks, will you please hold our money?  We need it for bail for getting arrested while protesting you.  Or something.  

THE RAP SHEET - John Nolte is keeping track, so you don't have to.  

WE ARE THE 1% - The best response yet to the OCCUPY phenomenon.

In this week's PEOPLE I ADORE, I want to feature one of the best Twitter follows you can have - KEVIN EDER.  Kevin is prolific, engaging, clever, and isn't afraid to speak out on anything that's bugging him.  He also boosts others frequently, sharing his influence to help people with a smaller reach.  He's good people, and you can also catch him on Facebook.

And finally, the Reading List this week features another Terri Blackstock book DAWN'S LIGHT.  This is a series about EMPs shutting down power all over the world, and now people cope.  It focuses on a Christian family's journey through the most difficult challenges they've ever faced, but the leap of imagination needed to think about the situations detailed isn't a large one.  I always come away with "What would I do in this scenario?" questions, and will be thinking about it for a long time after I finish it.

So there it is, your Friday goodness.  Happy 11-11-11, Happy Veteran's Day, Happy November, and check out the Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll this week - tickets should be going on sale today!

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