Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Learn More About SWATing

For those who got to my blog through the KTRH interview on SWATing and other tactics, here are a list of links that may help you learn more:

KTRH Interview

Seven Ways Conservative Activists are being Harassed by the Left

Original Brett Kimberlin Write-up by Liberty Chick

Patterico (Patrick Frey) story of his SWATing - WITH AUDIO

Red State's Erick Erickson's SWATing

House to call on Department of Justice to investigate SWATing

"LAWFARE" and the Aaron Walker case 


P. S. This article is also worth reading about Google rankings and the importance of fighting for dominance in the search engine world in order to get out a story:

Brett Kimberlin and the Justice of Google

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Operation Original Velvet Revolution

Taking back the name "Velvet Revolution" from the jackwagons using it for their own jerkwad purposes...

From OriginalVelvetRevolution.com: 

If one searches for the Velvet Revolution on Google, the first result is a rather uninformative Wikipedia article. We have no quarrel with Wikipedia, or not much of one anyway.
The second result and most of its successors lead to Brett Kimberlin’s Velvet Revolution, a badly designed, garish website where Kimberlin seeks to separate you from your hard-earned money through sale of a bad dvd about peace love, and hippies, and to peddle his half-baked conspiracy theories.
This is unacceptable. 


If you link to this post, this site rises to the top of a search for Velvet Revolution. If you add this site to your blogroll, this site rises even further. And Brett Kimberlin’s site falls.
And when the time comes for George Soros to write the annual check to Kimberlin’s Velvet Revolution, maybe the due diligence lackey will enter the Great Man’s office, saying, “Mr. Soros, I think you ought to read this…”
Because we’re going to talk about Brett Kimberlin, as long as he keeps filing his frivolous lawsuits. Which by the look of things isn’t going to stop, until Kimberlin slips up and goes back to prison. Even then he won’t stop.

Just doing my part in my little corner of the blogosphere.  This isn't over, not by a long shot.

Friday, June 1, 2012

So there's a new thing around the OTN neighborhood...

I'm partnering with RGR_ART, Prue and tksjewelry to bring you BROADSIDE - a new OTNN show debuting on Saturday June 2nd at 9 pm Eastern.  We'll pre-record the show, but we'll host a live chat as it airs, right here on Own The Narrative.

Broadside will focus on news, music, and culture, and whatever else interests us; we'll be talking about anything and everything.  It isn't going to be "The Conservative View" or anything like that.  Rather, it's going to be "Four Women, Big Voices."  Our goal is to utilize the megaphone OTNN has given us and add to the conversation in a way we hope is engaging, thought-provoking and fun.

We'll have news, special features, guests, and all the opinion you can possibly stand.

Thanks to NJlibertarian and Justin giving over their show to us, we had a preview of Broadside during the OTNN Test Tube show Sunday, and you can hear the results HERE and HERE.  And when those links fall off, you can get the sample on iTunes.

Take a listen and let us know what you think!

And follow us on Facebook and Twitter