Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tea Party TV in Houston

This is insane.

But I'll take it.

Watch me on Channel 13 HERE.

And I apologize to the three people who read this blog and notice I haven't updated lately. I have a few things going that take a little bit of my free time.

But I'm working on it.


  1. I saw you on Glenn Beck You go girl! I want to join you in Houston and am bringing my staff with me we are closing the office to protest but we need the info so we can tell our boss we're closing on account of we're domestic terrorist and we're needed at the protest! Post on your blog the info about Houstons Tea Party see you there! Kate the Great

  2. Whoops, I'm certainly tardy!

    Jones Plaza downtown Houston
    600 Louisiana Houston TX 77002
    4 p.m. until we march on the post office!
